September 11

The power of the EL Nino

El Nino shifts into overdrive, but still unlikely to bust western drought or break records

1.  The topic of the article is that the El Nino that we are currently in is unusually strong though is not suspected to break the drought.

3.  The article was found on  The link to the article is here.

4.  The current El Nino is unusually strong and has caused the waters of the Pacific to become warmer than it is has in the last 17 years.  Though the storm is not stronger that the Nino of 1997-98 or that of the 1987-88.  The large sum of rain that is being relealed by this El Nino is not enough to free the west coast of its four year drought.

5.  Personally I believe impact of this event is excellent.  First, I believe that it must be told that these El Nino are a natural occurrence and not global warming caused by humans as some may believe.  Furthermore, El Nino are at sometimes a good thing, though sometimes they are bad.  El Nino cause’s warming of the oceans and causes great rain, rain that could begin the process of helping the west coast out of there 4 year drought.  Though studies show that the storm is unusually strong it is not strong enough to free them of drought.

6.  This storm impacts the world in many ways, though I believe it is mainly in a economic factor.  As the storm sweeps through the west coast which is in desperate need of rain. As it rains it will help the farming efforts along the coast.  In California, I have personally witnessed the need for rain as  we drove past them, and I have seen the orchards, fields, and vineyards between stretches of desert where only leafless bushes remain.  As these field obtain water there output will increase allowing them to export produce and wine to other areas.

February 26

Believe in yourself

Believe in Yourself
Believe in yourself for you are strong,
Believe in yourself for you’re gods people,
Believe in yourself because your powerful,
Believe in yourself for god will protect you,

Believe in yourself for you are brave,
Believe in yourself for you knowledgable,
Believe in yourself and you can do whatever you want,
Believe in yourself for that’s the key to successes. 
February 11

The value of touch

I believe that the sense of touch is the most important sense that I have since you can substitute touch for sight by reading with special books that you feel.  You can  can substitute hearing by feeling vibrations, Beethoven felt vibration  and played the piano.  I believe touch is the best because if someone showed you emotion you wouldn’t know.  That’s why I think touch is the best.

If I didn’t have the sense of touch then I wouldn’t know when I was being burned or if I was freezing.  I wouldn’t feel a handshake of approval or a touch of emotion.  Though the most important is I wouldn’t know if I was hurt, like a cut or a bite you wouldn’t know until your vision fade or there’s pain your head.  That’s why I believe touch is the most important of the five senses.

January 28

Einstien, The Famous Genius

On March 14, 1879 Einstein was born; in 1880 he moved to Munich from Ulm in Germany. In Munich his father and Uncle opened an electrical equipment company. In 1894 his fathers company failed causing them to move to Italy, later in his later years he visited the U.S, while he was there the war started so he stayed to help the allied force.

    I feel were similar because we both love math and science, also we both like to work with equations.  We also like to work with nuclear energy. We were different because I like to use science and equations but he liked to study mechanical energy and  create equations to help the world.  The reason he’s my hero is  because his honesty, respect to others, and how his generosity of how he gave so much to science.

Einstein created many equations but his most famous was his mass-energy equivalence formula E=mc2 giving him the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics.  He also created many other equations like quantum theory, particle theory and motion of molecules.  He also worked with nuclear energy with a group of scientist, this was the Manhattan project.   Also a quote he often said was before god we are all equally wise and equally foolish.

    His influence on me is huge because when  I fail, I think of how many times Einstein failed before he got equations correct.  Also he knew that he had to make a sacrifice by leaving his wife kids because he was stated wanted dead in magazines and there was a $5000 reward on his head.He also knew which side he needed to support; the Allies so he warned Franklin D. Roosevelt about the Atomic bomb the Natzis were creating letting us save millions of lives.
His influence on my life involving math and science and his respect for others is why he’s my hero.

October 11

A Day in Epcot

Three days in Disney and today we’re going to Epcot. This morning we woke up, devoured our breakfast, and drove off in our golf cart to the Disney bus station. It took 15 min. for a bus to come. While we were on the bus we wondered what today had in store for us.

When we arrived at Epcot the first country we saw was Mexico and an Aztec pyramid, when we went inside we saw a woman weaving a blanket. This blanket was as colorful as a rainbow, with a softness and pattern of the sky when it rained an hour before.

Next we went to a Irish stone building which was the start of the the Ireland section. In the building was a viking ship brought from the bottom of the ocean. The structure was all that remained of this proud ship. It was 15 ft. tall , 7 ft. wide and 25 ft. long. When we left the building there was a viking ship that went up and down.

In Germany we ate lunch an all you can eat buffet with strudels, cakes, pies, cookies, pastries, hash fries, Frau hi-an sausages, Frau steaks, and Ewe… red cabbage. The strudels were my favorite, the apple strudel … it just melted in my mouth every ounce of syrup was savory. The crust was warm, crunchy, and perfectly cooked and the apples were soft and had the perfect amount of sugar. Right then I thought of the phrase, Anywhere you go you can have fun.

June 27

Robotics Competition

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White Oak Intermediate team standings out of 148 teams:
Kenya 2 placed 7th with 940 points
Kenya 1 placed 38th with 560 points
Bangladesh placed 48th with 475 points
El Salvador placed 73rd with 275 points
Vietnam placed 74th with 265 points

March 19

spring break

On spring break I went to Pearland,TX; San Antonio, TX; and New Braunfels, TX.  In pearland we went to my cousins birthday party, and while we were their we visited Kemah and ate at a secert  restaurant your only hint is it’s a fish market on the side of the bridge  with the exit.  Well anyway after Pearland we went to San Antonio,TX.  In San Antonio we went to a the largest mexican market in the America and we bought some tasty snacks like a strawberry punch, pralines, sausage on a stick, and chocolate sweet bread.  We also went to the zoo and alamo but New Braunfels german food took the cake or should I say strudel  Friesenhaus german  food is the best I have ever tasted well that’s what I did on spring break.

January 5

New Years Resolution

My  new year’s resolutions are to read the bible ,every day,1 or 2 chapters a day, ; get better grades in all subjects;eat healthy and work out every day.  Another thing I want to do is to be in all of the advanced math classes in sixth grade, also I want to be in robotics class and in student counsel. Also this year I want to grow everbering strawberries, ( this type  of strawberries give three main harvest and strawberries along the way),so I can see if growing strawberries cost less than buying them.  Please  tell me what yours are?