January 28

Einstien, The Famous Genius

On March 14, 1879 Einstein was born; in 1880 he moved to Munich from Ulm in Germany. In Munich his father and Uncle opened an electrical equipment company. In 1894 his fathers company failed causing them to move to Italy, later in his later years he visited the U.S, while he was there the war started so he stayed to help the allied force.

    I feel were similar because we both love math and science, also we both like to work with equations.  We also like to work with nuclear energy. We were different because I like to use science and equations but he liked to study mechanical energy and  create equations to help the world.  The reason he’s my hero is  because his honesty, respect to others, and how his generosity of how he gave so much to science.

Einstein created many equations but his most famous was his mass-energy equivalence formula E=mc2 giving him the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics.  He also created many other equations like quantum theory, particle theory and motion of molecules.  He also worked with nuclear energy with a group of scientist, this was the Manhattan project.   Also a quote he often said was before god we are all equally wise and equally foolish.

    His influence on me is huge because when  I fail, I think of how many times Einstein failed before he got equations correct.  Also he knew that he had to make a sacrifice by leaving his wife kids because he was stated wanted dead in magazines and there was a $5000 reward on his head.He also knew which side he needed to support; the Allies so he warned Franklin D. Roosevelt about the Atomic bomb the Natzis were creating letting us save millions of lives.
His influence on my life involving math and science and his respect for others is why he’s my hero.

Posted January 28, 2013 by cstone in category E.L.A

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