September 4

Current Event: Trashed Study finds Students toss veggies

1. The healthier lunches that have been thrusted upon the children of America has caused a rise in wasted food and wasted money.

2. Trashed: Study finds students toss veggies mandated by federal school lunch program.

4.Studies have found that since the required healthy foods in school lunches has been put into place there has been an increase in wasted food and money. This is the result of kids not being forced to eat the fruits and veggies that are being provided for them, so this just cause and increase of money for a lunch that is supplying the same amount of food as the lunches did before.  Showing that this was a ineffective program used to please health critics.

5.My position on this is that what we eat is our business.  The decision should be up to the parent, not the government on what there children eat.  Through I believe healthy choices should be offered, it is like I said up to the parent.  The sad part about the program is that there is of food waste. Furthermore, there is money being spent out of schools low budget for things we don’t eat.

6.This impacts the world by three things: food waste, waste of money, and government control. There has been an increase of food waste from every school lunch from 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup per student which with all students under this program that is significantly.  Also, the amount of money being wasted by this takes away from the amount of money from other programs.  Furthermore, the governments control in this shows that once again the government is trying to dictate over everything we do.  That is why this problem effects the world.


The link to my article is the following. Link

Posted September 4, 2015 by cstone in category Math

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