March 18

Iran is not hiding its intentions. So why are many US politicians willfully ignoring them?

Iran has a major desire to destroy both are nation and Israel due to a command by the Allah. They are currently developing both short and long range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Iran has said that these missiles are not being developed for this, but the Koran says they can lie in pursuit of their earthly goal.


Iran has a major desire to destroy both are nation and Israel due to a command by the Allah. They are currently developing both short and long range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Iran has said that these missiles are not being developed for this, but the Koran says they can lie in pursuit of their earthly goal. In addition, despite threats by President Obama to follow the sanction Iran still carry’s on as before. This will only get worse as we unfreeze the money that is Tehran’s.

This could affect the world by plunging the world into a war of nuclear missiles. A nuclear war could be drastic ending many life’s. That is just the beginning however as this could not only kill our generation, but could set back the world as technology could be wiped out. The very lands we live in could be poisoned for a thousands of years.

This could affect our community as it could raise prices. The Middle East is a large supporter of the gasoline in American shipping tanker loads over. This could disrupt our jobs if they stopped shipping here affecting family’s in the oil business majorly. This oil keeps our refineries going assisting in our economy. However, this could also raise prices as we are limited by the government on drilling our own oil which if gas prices go up so does everything else.

My opinion is that we are in need of stronger leaders to combat these countries that believe rules do not apply to them.

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