February 12

Opinion: How pets save us billions every year in health care costs (no wonder tails are wagging)

It is has in many studies been realized that pets improve health and wellness of a family. However, it has been recently found that pets reduce stress, improve mood, and can even assist in the treatment of cancer. Contact with wide ranges of animals can improve the world, in a study it was found that the group of people with pets saved 11.4 billion per year over those without.

By: Foxnews.com

Due to the help of mans best friends and many others creatures over twelve billion dollars per year is saved for the nations pet owners in total. Pets have been found to improve mood, assists in recovery from post traumatic stress disorder, and even help with the treatment of cancer. In addition, 11.4 billion dollars is saved by pet owners every year due to the reduce in doctors visits among pet owners. Furthermore, one-fifth of pet owners walk their dog five or more times per week. This can save health care cost 419 million dollars per year due to the increase of healthy activity.

On a national impact the saving of 419 million dollars is remarkable indeed and surely shows what a pet can do. To think on this in a higher perspective the country of America saves close to billion dollars per year thanks to animal companions. They lower blood pressure, assist cancer patients, and even help with a problem wide spread among veterans, PTSD. Personally I believe this is one of their greatest works as this is usually only contained through physiological sessions and hard work. Animals have a great affect on our nations, so it’s a petty more do not become pet owners and embrace a stress free life.

Locally pets are a great help to as they keep multiple stores open for business improving the economy. They also assist in keeping moods from being grim with their loving touch. Furthermore they have saved pet owners in total 11.4 billion dollars in Doctor appointments. Creatures from dogs to cats to even horse and goats all assist with all the things I have listed. There is a reason one pet is called mans best friend.

Personally, I believe that pets are very helpful in daily life as they something that can comfort us and listen as the troubles flow out in streams.

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