November 3

When Recess is Micromanaged

The freedom of recess, a time for creative powers and rest from the thinking to recharge, has been infringed upon by over 900 school working with the play works company.


Over 900 schools in 23 cities has had the great power of recess removed from their school.  This is due to a new company called Playworks which has convinced schools to spend as much as $30,000 to the company to perform the teachers jobs, overseeing recess.  Furthermore, this control of recess is limiting the students creativity and is attempting to reprograms the students of America.

I believe this is horrible limitation of  the development of creativity and business sense in our students.  Recess is a time for creativity, curiosity,  and social interaction, not mindless control allowing no time for thinking.  They are attempting to reprogram America by targeting our youngest generation, removing disappointment and the truth of real life from school.  To allow them to crash and burn as they get older and develop throwing them behind in life’s race.  This is why it is terrible that American is allowing this to happen.

This shall affect the world in a drastic way as America’s people are reprogramed without negativity.  To be given no choice and to only be allowed to say words that are not offensive to any group.  No conflict and no upset feelings, only a blankness among people.  Currently America is a place of power that assist many nations, but may soon become a place of little power.  That is why we must fight back so that we are allowed to remain creative and free.

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