Fly, fight, win: Happy birthday, US Air Force
Fly, fight, win: Happy birthday, US Air Force
The air force has recently has recently had a birthday on the 18th of September, since the day it has been established it has protected us and led us into a rich heritage of training our men and woman of the air force to greatness.
For 68 years our men and women of the air force have proudly and honorably fought for our safety. For on that day of September 18 we were ushered from a time of land and water to a time of air. Today the air force pairs with the other branches to multiply their greatness.
I am extremely happy that we are celebrating our brave men and women who defend us everyday from those who wish us harm. They are part of our core our land, sea, and air most all be equally defended from our enemies, and when we support our men and women of the military then we give them the strength to fight another day. The air force, though the youngest branch is equally important to all the others. Without each branch our military could easily be overpowered and we could be destroyed by those who mean us harm. Every day the air force is defending us, so it is the least we can do by honoring them on this day.
This impacts the world because the United States assists many country around the world and if we were to be overtaken because say we did not have enough men and women in the military. Then they would loose our assistance and our protection for some countries. The air force is a key part of this because without them we could be bombed by other countries and have little defense against them. In addition, we the military assists many countries in defending themselves from rebels or assisting rebels depending on who is in the fight.
Posted September 20, 2015 by cstone in category Math