September 11

The power of the EL Nino

El Nino shifts into overdrive, but still unlikely to bust western drought or break records

1.  The topic of the article is that the El Nino that we are currently in is unusually strong though is not suspected to break the drought.

3.  The article was found on  The link to the article is here.

4.  The current El Nino is unusually strong and has caused the waters of the Pacific to become warmer than it is has in the last 17 years.  Though the storm is not stronger that the Nino of 1997-98 or that of the 1987-88.  The large sum of rain that is being relealed by this El Nino is not enough to free the west coast of its four year drought.

5.  Personally I believe impact of this event is excellent.  First, I believe that it must be told that these El Nino are a natural occurrence and not global warming caused by humans as some may believe.  Furthermore, El Nino are at sometimes a good thing, though sometimes they are bad.  El Nino cause’s warming of the oceans and causes great rain, rain that could begin the process of helping the west coast out of there 4 year drought.  Though studies show that the storm is unusually strong it is not strong enough to free them of drought.

6.  This storm impacts the world in many ways, though I believe it is mainly in a economic factor.  As the storm sweeps through the west coast which is in desperate need of rain. As it rains it will help the farming efforts along the coast.  In California, I have personally witnessed the need for rain as  we drove past them, and I have seen the orchards, fields, and vineyards between stretches of desert where only leafless bushes remain.  As these field obtain water there output will increase allowing them to export produce and wine to other areas.